

2023-07-20 03:38:00 编辑:join 浏览量:532


Well I wonder could it be 我知道它终於还是会到来 When I was dreaming about you baby 当我在想念你的那一刻 You were dreaming of me 你是否也在想起我 Call me crazy 让我疯狂的你 Call me blind 让我迷恋的你 To still be suffering is stupid after all of this time 现在却让我独自一人面对失落 Did I lose my love to someone better 那个比我更好的让我失去了你拦州对我的爱 And does she love you like I do 却不知道他是否和我一样爱你呢 I do, you know I really really do 我想,应该会吧 Well hey 嘿。。。 So much I need to say 尽管如此 我还是有话要对你说 Been lonely since the day 自从那天起 你让我变得孤独 The day you went away 你离开我的时候 So sad but true 是如此真切的伤痛 For me there's only you 为我心中唯一的你的离去 Been crying since the day 从那一天开始 我就开始哭泣 The day you went away 你离开我的时候 I remember date and time 我清楚地记得那一天 September twenty second 九月 二十日 那天 Sunday twenty five after nine 9:25 星期日 In the doorway with your case 你我站在门口 No longer shouting at each other 静默片刻後 我们忍不住呼出对方 There were tears on our faces 那一刻我们都已经泪流满面 And we were letting go of something special 拥抱在一起谁也不忍让谁离去 Something we'll never have again 我们已经不悔衡辩可能再让我们的爱重来 I know, I guess I really really know 我知道 Why do we never know what we've got till it's gone 我们又怎麽会不明白 我们曾经拥有的一切已经成为不在复返的过去 How could I carry on 失去你 让我应该如继续下去 The day you went away 当你离开的碧缺时候 Cause I've been missing you so much I have to say 我想说(让你知道) 我是如此想你 Been crying since the day 从那一天开始 我就开始哭泣 The day you went away 你离开我的时候


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