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比较常见的有:bathroom; toilet; washroom三个.  bathroom  [英][ˈbɑ:θru:m][美][ˈbæθru:m]  n.浴室; 卫生间; 盥洗室; (带抽水马桶的)厕所;   例句:  1、Although he had been treated with antibiotics, he went to the bathroom repeatedly.  虽然他已经服用了抗生素,但他还是不停地上厕所。  2、This bathroom is for the president's exclusive use.  这间浴室是供总统专用的。  3、I don'亩毁t like a house without a bathroom.  我不喜欢没有浴室的房子。  toilet 迅盯备 [英][ˈtɔɪlət][美]['tɔɪlət]  n.洗手间; 坐便器; 梳洗;   例句:  1、She made Tina flush the pills down the toilet.  她让蒂娜把药丸扔进马桶里冲走。  2、Annette ran and locked herself in the toilet.  安妮特跑向洗手间,把自己锁在里面。  3、Could you stop at the nearest toilet?  你能在最近的洗手间停一下吗?  washroom  [英][ˈwɒʃru:m][美][ˈwɑ:ʃru:m]  n.洗手间,厕所;   例句:  1、Sure.Just a moment. She's in the washroom.  是的。稍等,她在洗手间呢。  2、She needs to ask for the squad leader ’ s permission when she wants to go to the washroom.  就连去洗手间,她都需要事先征得班长的同意。则颂  3、The elevators are over there next to the washroom.  电梯在那边,在洗手间旁边。


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