

2023-04-05 20:40:30 编辑:join 浏览量:548


沉默是金 Silence is gold常用例句:In fact, a sign of a good relationship is being comfortable in silence.事实上 和谐的标志之一就是沉默是金。冲坦I need such a man as you—a man who is loyal and can hold his tongue.我需要一个像你这样既忠诚又懂得沉默是金的人。Well Finn, some people say that the best noise is no noise at all – or silence is golden.嗯。费恩,有人说最好的噪音就是没有噪音——或者说沉默是金。Actually Rob, when you say 'silence is golden' it actually means it's often better to say nothing at all than say something stupid –真的是这样,罗伯,你说“沉默是金”,实际上是在说,说傻话还不如什么都不说。You will then spend the rest of the voyage contemplating all possible meanings of the phrase " silent as the grave."在旅途中闲下来的时候,你最好多想毕困想这句话的含义“沉默是金”。You may have heard the proverb " silence is golden." This means silence is of great value -- it is sometimes better to say nothing than to speak.你或许还听过“沉默是金”(silence is golden)。意思是沉默具有很大的价值,手判念有时候不说比说要好。


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