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帮帮忙, 把有关首首富的介绍翻译成英文

2023-06-14 00:43:31 编辑:join 浏览量:594

帮帮忙, 把有关首首富的介绍翻译成英文

Carlos Slim Eluay, the telecommunications tycoon from Mexico in March of this year just over "Unit god," Buffett as the world's second-richest person and now he will be a 13's Bill Gates the world's richest man fall to 67.8 billion US dollars of assets into a new world's richest. He Gates beyond the secrets of what he and Gates as the world's richest man have in common? 67-year-old Slim Although the name Slim (slim), but his wealth is quite stout. As Slim's American Mobile Communications (AmericaMovil) shares from March to June soared by 27% in the second quarter of this year, the net worth of Slim property has been achieved 67.8 billion. This figure equivalent to the gross domestic product of Mexico 8%, exceeding the Microsoft founder Bill - Bill Gates 59.2 billion US dollars in production. Make way: Lu has talent Fees Slim juvenile times will show his investment talent. This descendant of Lebanese immigrants in the 11 years to life when the first investment - the purchase of government savings bonds. Until the age of 15, he has become Mexico'棚枯腊s largest bank shareholders. In Slim seems, is led his father into business mentors. Children age, his father every week will give him five pesos pocket money, but asked him to record every expenditure. Until now, Slim office bookshelf, he was also retain the five books, he bought a record above the corn flour tortillas, fried tortillas and drink lap drinks. Slim's father in Mexico City was besieged difficult time, in a town bought the property. After his death, he gave Slim left a rich legacy. His father recalled that the decision, Slim said: "败轮That requires courage." It is from her father who, Slim acquired business know-how. "链滑Any appropriate investment will eventually be rewarded." In 1982, the Mexican financial crisis, currency devaluation, we have investment from the capital to the United States and Europe. In Mexico's economic prospects were not optimistic about the situation, Slim bought at a low price many brink of bankruptcy tobacco companies and restaurant chain companies. After a few years, the assets of these enterprises increase to make his way lay a solid foundation. These are only the beginning, Slim and greater opportunities emerging in 1990. Mexico was set off by a wave of privatization of state-owned enterprises, the opportunity to buy Slim Mexico Telephone Company (Telmex). He took over this telephone companies, the company's efficiency is extremely low, and the need to install a telephone line for months or even years, the poor reputation in the industry. However, Slim succeeded in transforming it into a modern, professional and large enterprises. Today, 90% of Mexico's phone lines controlled by Slim. Depend on how the money tree, Slim gradually established its own huge industrial empire, the richest man in a step by step from Mexico into Latin America's richest man, until now the world's richest. Slim seems to be a natural spin gold from straw, and he thought Buffett than he has done more in-depth than the investment, he preferred personally operate Industries.


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